From September we will be introducing our own Early Years Catering provision. Our aims in doing this are to focus on the freshness and variety of meals available to the children, whilst also considering our food miles and the origin of the produce we use.
We provide healthy meals and snacks that meet the nutritional needs of the children. We encourage children to try new things and have seasonal menus which are responsive to the wider preferences of the children.
We will take in to account any reasonable requests for alternatives on the menu. Menus will be available via the Famly app a well being displayed in the Nursery.
Children with Severe Food Allergies
Childhood food allergies are increasing in the UK. The nursery has experience of catering to meet the needs of children who have experienced Anaphylaxis. This condition may be triggered by a number of food types. As in the home environment, it would be impossible to completely guarantee against cross contamination of food. We work hard to source ingredients from trusted suppliers, who provide clear labelling.
We do all that we can to ensure that food is prepared separately and clearly labelled for the specific child. Whilst we do all we can to minimise the risk, we would never give a parent a 100% guarantee. For this reason, staff are trained to recognise and react to the onset of a severe allergic reaction.