The Preschool Room provides a stimulating and exciting area for young minds to grow, experiment and explore. The Preschool children are divided into three groups, Rabbits, Monkeys and Giraffes; this enables them to work in smaller groups. Each morning children are given the opportunity to work on a variety of projects and activities with their key families which are planned around the children’s interests, these may include cooking, games, stories, portfolio building, art and crafts.

The children can freely access a full range of activities, from construction to small world play, computer to messy play (e.g. gloop, sand, water, play dough or jelly).

The children have open access to the role play area, where they can enter the magical world of their developing imaginations.

Social skills

The children’s social skills are developed through helping in the nursery and through play. Each day a number of children will help to water plants, prepare snacks and help at mealtimes. We also encourage each child to foster their independence by helping to clear their plate and cutlery after meals and to work with other to put away things they have been playing with at the end of a session. We encourage the children to be able to manage their coats and shoes independently, as well as using the toilet area on their own. All of which we strongly believe aids preparation and confident transition to school.

Outdoor exploration

The large outdoor play areas and space will be widely used and explored by our pre-school children. It provides them with a natural environment to discover, develop and create adventures.  Children will learn how to problem solve, take calculated risks, make decisions and enjoy the outdoor environment.

Outdoor play is available in all weathers and includes the use of the playground, garden and surrounding fields. Children can use the climbing apparatus, ride bikes, play with bats, balls, and hoops, dig in the large sandpit, explore and create with natural resources, and prepare and cultivate flowers and vegetables in the garden and poly tunnel. They will also be able to get involved with the day-to-day care of the nursery animals which at present are chickens, ducks, guinea pigs and fish.

Preparing for school

As your child approaches school age, the preschool staff will help to prepare them for this next important step in their lives. Teachers are encouraged to visit children in the nursery and there will be a member of our team designated to liaise with each school that children are moving on to and we will always be happy to offer support or advice.

Approach to learning

The children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage, which is delivered through the medium of play. We will help the children to gain an understanding of their world and what they are able to do. Whilst playing, they can discover how strong they are, how fast they can move, how to coordinate their movements, how to develop their imagination and how loud or quiet they can be!

Holiday Clubs

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