Nursery fees are due monthly, in arrears, and must be paid by Direct Debit, unless otherwise agreed. If you foresee difficulties with this payment method, or if you are entitled to receive a grant for your childcare fees, please discuss this with the Nursery Manager.
In addition to Direct Debit, we also accept payment by childcare vouchers. Most children will be eligible for 3 and 4 year-old funding, starting from the term after their 3rd birthday. Further details about this will be available as your child approaches the age of eligibility.
When you register you will be provided with information of payment via childcare vouchers and full details of our terms and conditions.
There are various grants from the Government to help towards the cost of fees for two, three and four year olds. A useful website to explore is www.childcarechoices.gov.uk.
All children will automatically receive grant in the funding period after their third birthday up until the time they go to school. If you wish your child to claim grant please provide the Nursery with a copy of the Birth Certificate and complete a Declaration Form. Should you wish to apply for the extended Early Years Entitlement from the HMRC please apply to www.gov.uk/government/publications/30-hours-free-childcare-eligibility for your DERN Number.
The funding periods are as follows:
Spring Funding Period – 1st January to 31st March
Summer Funding Period – 1st April to 31st August
Autumn Funding Period – 1st September to 31st December
All parents’ have a contract with the nursery. Full-time or termly contracts are available. Two week’s holiday (at the contracted hours) are given to all children on a full-time contract. Invoices are charged up to the last Friday of each month. Any unpaid invoice after two week’s will incur interest charges. Any invoices unpaid for two month’s will automatically passed onto the Debt Collection Agency used by the Nursery. There is no charge for bank holidays or when nursery is closed for the Christmas week. Meals are not included and are an additional charge. Transport to and from school are an additional charge. If a child is absent due to illness or non-attendance full-fees apply.
The minimum contract required is for a minimum of 2 days with a period of 6 hours per day.